Why Black and White?

Black and White are the colours of simple truth. Black and White are a symbol of thrift and economy Black and White were the pirate colours - and the time has come for Pirate Politicians to sweep the political seas.

Map of the World

To your right, my profile, rising in the East. Bottom right, the failings of the NHS. Due South (below) posts to show how my patients suffer as a consequence, and to comment on events of consequence.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Holed beneath the waterline

Alex Liakos, the Medical Student Advisor appointed to the MMC panel in the belief that he was being invited to contribute, has resigned, realisying that he was being used as window-dressing for the ambitions of others. His resignation letters, combined wityh the resignations of both the national director and the clinical advisor, should be sufficient for any intelligent being to recognise that the whole process is flawed and expensive, and should be scrapped.

Sadly, there are none so blind as those who cannot see - and Patricia Hewitt (for the Government) and Sir Liam Donaldson (for his own ego?) are determined to drive MMC and MTAS onwards, come what may.

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