Why Black and White?

Black and White are the colours of simple truth. Black and White are a symbol of thrift and economy Black and White were the pirate colours - and the time has come for Pirate Politicians to sweep the political seas.

Map of the World

To your right, my profile, rising in the East. Bottom right, the failings of the NHS. Due South (below) posts to show how my patients suffer as a consequence, and to comment on events of consequence.

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Loons, Loons, and more Doubloons

Piles. Stop smiling, they aren't funny - at least not if they were yours. Once upon a time, not long ago, I could write a letter to a hospital somewhere in England - and the piles would be addressed. Slowly, perhaps - but simply.

Now, in our brave new world - I refer via Choose and Book -and the patient gets offered a choice of several consultants - but isn't allowed to know in advance which lower gut consultants treat piles!. Psychic powers, time wasted all round, and a third letter from me some months later sent the old-fashioned way.

Of coursethis lunatic system is so chaotic that many patients pay for a private appointment - so saving the NHS a fraction of the billions wasted on this computerised farce.

1 comment:

barry monk said...

Great system, choose and book: and how much does this nonsense cost?