Why Black and White?

Black and White are the colours of simple truth. Black and White are a symbol of thrift and economy Black and White were the pirate colours - and the time has come for Pirate Politicians to sweep the political seas.

Map of the World

To your right, my profile, rising in the East. Bottom right, the failings of the NHS. Due South (below) posts to show how my patients suffer as a consequence, and to comment on events of consequence.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

North, South, East, West....

My patient has a problem. I think she needs an operation (as everything else has failed). She thinks she needs an operation. The local consultants she has seen several times think she needs an operation - but while they would like to do the op, the budget has been sent to St Elsewheres, and the patient must follow. Since I referred her, the budget has moved twice, and will probably move again before she gets to the top of the list.

So far, in nine months, she has had three hospital appointments, four GP consultations, and I have written several letters. She still has the same problem and needs the same treatment - but all these extra appointments will be taken as evidence of better efficoiency in a better health service that is doing more for patients.

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